Boeing 737-200
Western Australia
Have you ever wanted to get up close and personal with an aircraft of this size?
Travel with us, on a journey never to be repeated. Just outside of York, an inland town in the Wheatbelt, WA sits two Boeing 737-200 Aircraft.
Once the pride and joy of the OzJet fleet, these two aircraft made their way, piece by piece, via road to their new, permanent home in a paddock waiting for you to explore their new environment.
They were saved from the wrecker's yard by a couple of aviation-mad enthusiasts and eager volunteers who couldn't bear to see them ripped apart for scrap. Now a unique opportunity to experience these aeroplanes in many different ways is waiting for you.
Open up the hatches and see what lies beneath, find out where the black box lives, discover how an aircraft is actually put together!.
Soon, you will be able to spend a night or two in this amazing and exclusive accommodation!
Join us for this incredible adventure....
One of the aircraft will serve as a monument to past aviation, and an education for anyone with a remote interest in a machine that carries 100 or more passengers around the world.
The other forms a unique, West Australian Experience where you can spend the weekend in your own Boeing 737, without being cramped. The accommodation is currently being worked on - sign up for updates below to find out when we are ready to take bookings!
Get up close and personal to a Boeing 737-200
Explore places you never knew existed. See the inner workings.
Play ~ Learn ~ Explore ~ Experience
Work In Progress Tours - Suspended due internal fit out works.
Entry via White Gum Farm, 680 Cameron Road, Malebelling